The Learning Begins…

Fairlawn Preschool strives to help families meet their children’s intellectual, social, emotional and cognitive needs to help lay a foundation for future development.

Our environment at preschool is one that is child-centered, application-oriented, loving, creative and fun.

Your child will be embarking on a new journey of discovery, one that will set the foundation for future learning.

Our curriculum includes:

  • Language Arts Activities
  • Cognitive Learning Experiences
  • Number Exploration
  • Sensory Activities
  • Art & Creative Experiences
  • Music
  • Minds-In-Motion
  • Large and Fine Motor Skills
  • Health & Safety
  • Science
  • Story Time
  • Cooking Time
  • Community Experiences

Watch them grow…

Your child will grow in our school environment by learning to listen and follow directions.  They will gain experience in areas such as vocabulary, letter recognition, math and number concepts, science, music and art.

Children will start each day with circle time.  They will learn throughout the day by listening, watching, touching, reading, or experiencing and processing the information.  Each classroom has several centers for children to rotate through each day.

Our large group time each day allows your child the opportunity to talk, share and be creative through play with his/her peers.  Your child will learn to share, listen, show kindness, patience, problem solve, take turns, interact with others and learn about cooperation.

It is our desire to help all children develop a positive self image.  Your child will experience encouragement in his/her successes and mistakes.  They will be loved and accepted just how God made them.

Children will develp their large gross motor skills by participating in various forms of play both inside and outside.  We incorporate a minds-in-motion curriculum that the students do each week to help develop gross motor skills and coordination through movement, balance excercises and activities.  They will also develop their small fine motor skills through finger plays, cutting, writing and other table activities.

Learning Strategies

  • Encourage creativity
  • Emphasize the process
  • Provide hands-on experiences
  • Be age-appropriate
  • Be relevant to a child’s world
  • Be fun and play-filled
  • Offer free play that facilitates choice, cooperation and problem solving